Number of Volumes 15
Number of Issues 56
Number of Articles 518
Number of Contributors 953
Article View 592,255
PDF Download 391,011
View Per Article 1143.35
PDF Download Per Article 754.85
Number of Submissions 454
Rejected Submissions 146
Rejection Rate 32
Accepted Submissions 97
Acceptance Rate %45
Time to Accept (Days) 144
Number of Indexing Databases 8
Number of Reviewers 308

Journal information

Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology (IJPP) is a research journal published quarterly by the Iranian Phytopathological Society (IPS) since 1963. The IJPP considers research manuscripts covering all aspects of plant pathology. The IJPP accepts original submissions in full-length articles, short articles/short communications, review articles, and short reports/disease notes in English (with a Persian abstract) or Persian (with an English abstract). Articles published in the IJPP are peer-reviewed, open-access, and fast-tracked through

The IJPP has been achieved top rank (A) among the research scientific publications approved by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

Access to the journal: IJPP is a free Journal access

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Zia Banihashemi

Director-in-Charge: Prof. Djafar Ershad

Internal manager: Prof. Zahra Tanha Maafi

Language: Persian-English

Types of articles: Full research paper, review article, short article, short scientific report

Publication Type: Electronic and Hard copy

Peer Review Policy: Double-blind

DOI: 10.22034/ijpp.

Frequency: Quarterly

Time to first decision: 1-7 days

Review Time: 2 -4 months

Publication ethics: The IJPP is committed to the rules of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Plagiarism Detection Software: The Iranian Journal of Plant Pathology (IJPP) uses "Samim Noor’ Plagiarism Detection Software “" for checking the originality of submitted manuscript in the initial reviewing process.

Article Publishing Charges: 1,000,000 and 500,000 Iranian Rial per full research and short research articles respectively which will be requested after finalizing the reviewing process.


Current Issue: Volume 59, Issue 2, July 2024 

Publication Information

Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Manager
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting

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